Scripting: How To Use This Powerful Technique To Manifest

How To Use One Of The Most Powerful Manifestation Techniques Scripting, drawing of flower.png

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What is scripting? 

Scripting is a powerful writing technique used to help you manifest anything you want, from having a steady good mood throughout the day to buying your dream home.

When you script, you write about exactly what you want in your life as if it’s currently occurring or has already occurred.

Think about scripting like a written form of visualization – instead of closing your eyes and picturing all the details about what you want, you instead write out all of those details.

Writing out these details allows you to get specific about what you want and feel what it feels like to have it. By thinking about and feeling what it’s like to already have what you want, you actually start to attract those things into your life (this is the Law of Attraction at work!).

Scripting can be done for anything in your life, big or small. You can choose to write about a trip you’ve been dreaming about taking, a job you’d love to have, something you’ve been wanting to buy, the business you want to start, or even simply describe how you want your day to go.

All that you need to do grab a pen and journal and follow the steps below!  

How to script 

1. Clear your mind

Before you start writing, sit quietly and breathe for a few minutes. Do your best to clear your mind and be fully present. If things pop into your mind like to-do lists or worries, jot them down to the side to clear them from your mind. Then, go back to focusing on your breath for another minute or two. This will allow you to have a clear, fresh mind when you start to write.

For those of you who already meditate, you likely know the power of the feeling of a clear mind operating on a high vibration. For those of you who have not experienced this as much yet, start incorporating short meditation practices into your day, including gratitude reflections, to help you slip into a positive, manifesting mindset more easily.

After breathing for a few minutes, I also like to write a paragraph of things I’m grateful for before starting to script. This helps me get into an even more positive mindset and then channel that gratitude towards what I’m manifesting.

2. Choose what you’re going to script about 

The wonderful thing about scripting is you can do it for literally anything – your upcoming day, future goals, a specific thing you’d like to have, you name it! You can choose a broad topic, like how you’d like the upcoming week to go, or focus in on a specific topic, like manifesting your dream job or partner.

To start, choose one thing to script about.

For example, if you have an important day ahead, or just would like to have a good day in general, you can write down exactly how you’d like it to unfold. You can describe how you go about your day, how you feel, how things go, and imagine everything working out just as you want it to.

Have a difficult meeting one day? Script about how it goes smoothly, and you feel calm and confident throughout it.

An important note here – make sure you’re writing about what you do want to happen, not what you don’t want to happen. This is the Law of Attraction again – if you focus on what you don’t want, that’s exactly what you’re going to attract back to you.

3. Choose present or past tense for your writing

A common manifestation mistake is talking about what you want in the future tense. Since the Law of Attraction is always working around you, if you’re talking about wanting something you’ll continue to attract thoughts and things back to you that will keep you in that state of wanting.  

In order to attract what you desire into your life, it’s important to talk about it like you already have it, which is why an important part of scripting is to make sure you’re speaking in either present or past tense about what you’re manifesting.

When you sit down to write, choose whichever tense feels better to you. It may feel right to write in the present tense as if it’s happening and you can see it unfolding around you, or you could write in past tense about what happened and all the emotions you felt while it was happening.

What matters most is that you focus on what you are writing, and truly feel into it.

Writing in either past or present tense about what you desire will send powerful signals to the universe and help you manifest exactly what you desire.

4. Add as many details as you can

As you write, get specific about the details of what you want. Include as many details as possible and keep pushing your mind to think of more. This will help you get really clear about what you want and help you feel like it’s already yours.

Here are some prompts to help you with the details when you’re scripting about something tangible that you want:

  • What does it look like? Color, style, size, etc.

  • What specific features does it have?

  • Where will you use it?

  • What does it sound like?

  • What does it smell like?

  • How will you feel using it?

  • What does it feel like when you hold/touch it?

  • How do you feel knowing it’s yours? 

You can also describe the scene around you as you’re receiving what you desire. What do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Feel (both physically and emotionally)? There will be a specific point in time when you receive what you want, so describe exactly how you see that moment playing out for you.

Tap into all of your senses and get as detailed as you can when you write.

Focusing on the emotions about how you feel to have the thing you want is especially important. Write about these as much as you can and let yourself feel into these feelings as you write. For bonus points, see if you can feel into the gratitude that comes with having all that you desire and incorporate that each time you script. 

5. Review your scripts

After you’ve been scripting for a bit, take some time to periodically review what you’ve scripted about and highlight each piece that’s come true. It’s both fun to do, and will help strengthen your belief in the Law of Attraction which will help you continue to manifest even more in your life!

If there are parts of your script that haven’t manifested yet, don’t give up hope. Trust in the universe, and know that what you want (or something even better) is headed your way right now.




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