Manifest Methods

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Read This If You Need Help Releasing Control Of An Outcome

You’ve done it – you’ve completed the most important step when it comes to achieving any goal you’ve set out to achieve: you’ve taken some sort of action.

Whether you’ve launched your website, booked the flight, pressed publish on your first post, sent in your application, or pressed send on the email, you’ve now taken an action that will begin to move you in the direction of your goal.  

Once you’ve decided on what you’re working towards and have taken action, what happens next is out of your hands.

This is the point when most people will tell you not to worry, there’s nothing you can do. All that’s left to do is release the outcome and wait to see what happens.

And while that’s partially true, I don’t always take comfort from that thought as it doesn’t help settle the stream of worry that enters my brain right as I’m taking action. 

Taking that first step is scary. You’ve likely been wanting something for quite some time, and you finally took a step towards bringing that dream into your reality. 

Almost instantaneously, you likely start to feel fear. What if it doesn’t work out? What if you did something wrong? What if there was something better you could’ve done? Should you have even taken that action in the first place?

(Side note: This fear is totally normal and expected as you follow your intuition).

When these doubts inevitably begin to arise, I use the following mindset shift to help me release the worry about the outcome.

By taking this first step, you’ve started to clear the path for yourself towards what is truly meant for you.

The universe is always saying yes to helping you achieve whatever it is you truly desire. And it will always look for the best path to help you get there.

Sometimes this path consists of steps you anticipated.

But sometimes this path has unexpected steps, or turns in an entirely new direction that you didn’t see coming.

No matter what happens, the only way for you to get down the path is to begin taking steps. 

It doesn’t necessarily matter which steps you take since you’ll be redirected as you go. The important thing is that you start moving. 

Going back to this initial step you’ve just taken – had you not taken that step, you could’ve spent the rest of your life thinking about and dreaming about what you might want, but without any action you’d never know if it’s the step that’s going to get you closer to your dream. And you’d stay stuck in the same place you have been indefinitely.

By taking this action, you’re allowing space for this step on the path to either move you closer to your dream or move you in a new direction that will actually get you closer to where you want to go.

If this initial step that you had planned works out, great! You now know you’re on the right path as you move towards your goal.

But if it doesn’t work out, this means there’s another step that is meant for you that you wouldn’t have been able to discover if you had spent all of your time thinking about the first step that you thought was the correct one.

By staying stuck in the thoughts about the first step, you’re unable to allow any space for new thoughts and ideas to come through about a potential different path that may be better for you, simply because your brain is entirely focused on something else.

For example, if it’s financial freedom you dream of, maybe the first business idea you had isn’t the one that’s going to help you achieve this freedom as fast as you could with the second business idea that is trying to come to you.

But if you stay thinking about the first business idea that you will eventually learn isn’t the best path for you, the entire time you spend planning to take action is time that you’re blocking the path for the new business idea to come to you.

Now that you’ve taken action, you are moving the thoughts out of your head and into reality and can observe what happens next.

Now that you’ve taken action, you can release the outcome of that action you took because no matter what happens, it is leading you closer to where you’re meant to be, either on the path you’re currently on or an even better path.