8 Affirmations To Help You Manifest The Money You Desire

Here are 8 affirmations to help you re-write your beliefs about money so you can manifest what you desire.

In order to manifest the money you desire, you must first re-write the subconscious beliefs you have about money.

We all have subconscious beliefs about money (whether we realize it or not!) – these beliefs were formed at a young age, before we were old enough to realize we were locking in these thoughts, and for many of us these beliefs can be quite negative.

For example, if you grew up hearing the phrase “money doesn’t grow on trees”, your subconscious mind formed a belief that money is scarce and there isn’t enough to go around.

This belief that money is scarce forms the basis for a lack mindset, and when you’re in this mindset you’re unable to attract more money to you.

Why is that?

Everything in our world vibrates at a certain frequency, including money. The only way to draw money to you is to vibrate at that same frequency. (This happens because of the Law of Attraction).

The lack mentality (and other negative feelings) will keep you vibrating at a frequency that is lower than that of money. That means you’re never attracting money into your life, and are instead attracting other low-frequency things that you don’t want (like more scarcity and more lack).

That’s where these affirmations come in: by repeating these short phrases to yourself over and over, you’re starting to replace any negative subconscious beliefs you have about money with positive ones.

To re-write the belief that money is scarce and “doesn’t grow on trees”, we can repeatedly tell ourselves “Money is abundant and always available to me.”

After repeating these affirmations enough times, our subconscious mind will start to believe they’re true and replace our scarcity mindset with one of abundance.

These affirmations will help you get started on your path to manifesting the money you desire, but taking the time to uncover your subconscious beliefs about money and then re-writing those will help you effectively re-write the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from making the money that you deserve to make.

With that, here are 8 of our favorite affirmations to help you manifest more money:

  1. Money is abundant and always available to me.

  2. Money flows easily and freely to me.

  3. Money comes to me in both expected and unexpected ways.

  4. I am attracting money in this very moment.

  5. I love money and money loves me.

  6. I am open and ready to receive money.

  7. I am worthy of receiving all the money I desire.

  8. All the money I desire is already mine.

Looking for more affirmations? Check out our money affirmation tools:




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